(Fall 2007)
Volume 52, Number 1
Prefatory Matter
Eulogy for Senator Thomas F. Eagleton
Mark Abels
Homily Delivered at the Memorial Services For Senator Thomas F. Eagleton
Lawrence Biondi S.J.
Eulogy for Senator Thomas Eagleton
Robin Carnahan
Tribute to Senator Tom Eagleton
William Buckley
Thomas F. Eagleton: A Man of Character, Conscience, and Compassion
Edward L. Filippine
Tom Eagleton: True Senator
Harold Hongju Koh
Tribute to Former Senator Tom Eagleton
Claire McCaskill
The Center Has Held: Tom Eagleton
Walter Mondale
Eagleton in Missouri: The Record in Local and State Office
James J. Murphy
Tom Eagleton—An Appreciation
Ed Quick
The War Powers Resolution in the Age of Terrorism
J. Brian Atwood
Eagleton and the Environment: Promises Made; Promises Kept
Leon G. Billings
Thomas F. Eagleton: A Model of Integrity
Louis Fisher
Tom Eagleton and the “Curse to Our Constitution”
William H. Freivogel
An Idea Whose Time Has Come—The Curious History, Uncertain Effect, and Need for Amendment of the “Natural Born Citizen” Requirement for the Presidency
Lawrence Friedman
Assuming Responsibility: Thomas F. Eagleton, the Senate, and the Bombing of Cambodia
Joel K. Goldstein
Articles by Senator Eagleton Previously Published in the Saint Louis University Law Journal and the Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Congress: Does It Abdicate Its Power?
Thomas F. Eagleton
The August 15 Compromise and the War Powers of Congress
Thomas F. Eagleton
A State Prosecutor Looks at the Jencks Case
Thomas F. Eagleton