"Feedback Loop": The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Progeny (Summer 2005)
Volume 49, Number 4
Prefatory Matter
Childress Lecture
“Feedback Loop”: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Progeny
Drew S. Days III
Trapped in the Feedback Loop: A Response to Professor Days
Samuel R. Bagenstos
Controversy, Consensus, and the Concept of Discrimination
George Rutherglen
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Coalition Politics
Sheryll D. Cashin
Gimp Theory and the ADA’s “Feedback Loop”
Melissa Cole Essig
Walking the Walk of Plain Text: The Supreme Court’s Markedly More Solicitous Treatment of Title VII Following the Civil Rights Act of 1991
Harold S. Lewis Jr.
Constitutional Dialogue and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Joel K. Goldstein
The 1964 Civil Rights Act: The Crucial Role of Social Movements in the Enactment and Implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law
Gerald N. Rosenberg
Book Review
Book Review: Sheryll Cashin, the Failures of Integration: How Race and Class Are Undermining the American Dream (2004)
Peter W. Salsich Jr.