(Spring 2003)
Volume 47, Number 2
Prefatory Matter
From Hero to Goat: Managed Care in the 1990s
Thomas L. Greaney
The Antitrust Implications of “Clinical Integration:” An Analysis of FTC Staff’s Advisory Opinion to MedSouth
Thomas B. Leary
What If You Could Sue Your HMO? Managed Care Liability Beyond the ERISA Shield
Gail B. Agrawal and Mark A. Hall
Assessing Patient Protection Laws
Dayna Bowen Matthew
Upon Further Review: Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran and a New Era of Managed Care Organization Liability
Allen D. Allred and Don L. Daniel
Who Killed Managed Care? A Policy Whodunit
Peter D. Jacobson
After Managed Care: Gray Boxes, Tiers and Consumerism
John V. Jacobi