(Winter 2002)
Volume 46, Number 1
Prefatory Matter
Foreword: E-Health: Perspective and Promise
Nicolas P. Terry
Balancing Communal Goods and Personal Privacy Under a National Health Informational Privacy Rule
Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., and Mira S. Burghardt
When the “Machine That Goes ‘Ping’” Causes Harm: Default Torts Rules and Technologically-Mediated Health Care Injuries
Nicolas P. Terry
Ethics and E-Medicine
Jessica W. Berg
The Role of Law in Global E-Health: A Tool For Development and Equity in a Digitally Divided World
John D. Blum
On Being a Physician in the Electronic Age: Peering into the Mists at Point-&-Click Medicine
Arnold J. Rosoff
Cross-Border Telemedicine: An Uncertain Future
Richard L. Cleland
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and the Internet: Informational Privacy, Product Liability and Organizational Responsibility
Audiey C. Kao and Erica Ozanne Linden
City of Indianapolis v. Edmond: An Unprecedented Use of “Primary” Purpose Leaves Wide Open the Door for “Secondary” Problems
Leslie P. Butler
The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 and the Missed Opportunity to Apply the Act in Guardianships
Richard B. Maltby