Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy
The Future of Health Law: Exemplary Insight into Trending Topics
Volume 7, Issue 2
Prefatory Matter
The Uneasy Relationship of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood, the Affordable Care Act, and the Corporate Person: How a Historical Myth Continues to Bedevil the Legal System
Malcolm J. Harkins III
Cura Personalis: A Healthcare Delivery Quandary at the End of Life
George P. Smith II
Consumer-Directed Healthcare by Any Other Name Would Be… Obamacare
Jeffrey B. Hammond
The Inclusion of Pregnant Women in Clinical Research
Barbara A. Noah
Patient Registries: Patient Consent When Children Become Adults
Leslie P. Francis
The Struggle to Bury Pre-Existing Condition Consideration
Sallie Thieme Sanford
Student Comments
Mobile Medical App Regulation: Preventing a Pandemic of “Mobilechondriacs”
Nathaniel R. Carroll