Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy
The Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy is published bi-annually by the Center for Health Law Studies and a student editorial board.
Current Issue:
Teaching Reproductive Rights in the Post-Dobbs ERA
Volume 17, Issue 2
Prefatory Matter
Reproductive Rights and Medico-Legal Education Post-Dobbs: A Fireside Chat
Michael S. Sinha, Anna Krotinger, Maya A. Phan, and Louise P. King
Rethinking Foundations and Analyzing New Conflicts: Teaching Law After Dobbs
Nicole Huberfeld, Linda C. McClain, and Aziza Ahmed
Teaching Dobbs as a Contemporary Case Study of Federalism in Action and an Introduction to the Cross-Disciplinary Nature of the Law
Antonia A.B. Miceli
Student Notes
The Shifting Landscape of Substantive Due Process: Could Dobbs Pose a Threat to Contraceptive Rights?
Madeline C. Tatro
EMTALA Preemption of State Laws Restricting Emergency Abortions
Rachel N. Reeder