Legal education across many parts of the world is increasingly transnationalized. Transnationalized legal education is a metamorphosis propelled by a combination of factors, some endogenous to the law school and legal community, some exogenous to them. This review essay finds that globalization and reform of legal education are often part of a broader change within a state. Any reform of legal education is often chaotic, as it deals with human actors, not with value-free formulas. The engineers of reform of legal education have not been a single or cohesive force, but more often groups of reformers have coalesced with others to engender changes.
Recommended Citation
Md. Rizwanul Islam,
Transnationalization of Legal Education: A Confluence of Multiple Factors Review of “The Globalization of Legal Education: A Critical Perspective” by Bryant Garth and Gregory Shaffer,
St. Louis U. L.J.
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