"Access to Court Cases from the Supreme Court’s 2020–2021 Term: The New" by Sarah Somers, Jane Perkins et al.

Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy

Document Type



Throughout the Supreme Court’s first term without Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Court issued only a few major opinions with respect to access to the Court for civil litigants, and it issued none that discarded major precedents. Yet, in several areas, the Court demonstrated an increasingly conservative bent and began to lay the groundwork for major changes. In this Article, we discuss selected opinions from the Court’s 2020–2021 term that may have an impact on access to the courts for individuals seeking to vindicate civil and constitutional rights. In particular, it focuses on cases that may affect access for low-income and marginalized people. These opinions show the work of a Court in transition and foretell major changes to come.
