Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Shattering the Glass Ceiling: The Status of Women in the Workplace and the Change Needed for Equality (Volume XXXVI, No. 1)
Prefatory Matter
The Gender Wage Gap and Work-Family Supports: Women’s Choices or Policy Choices?
Ariane Hegewisch and Emma Williams-Baron
Stereotypes as Channels and the Social Model of Discrimination
Marcia L. McCormick
What is Sexual Harassment? An Empirical Study of Perceptions of Ordinary People and Judges
Jill D. Weinberg and Laura Beth Nielsen
Women’s Work is Never Done
Carolyn L. Wheeler
The Sentencing Memorandum: The Legal and Societal Implications of Its Online Publication
Jacob Grimes
Open Source Download Mishaps and Product Liability: Who is to Blame and What are the Remedies?
Kevin C. Staed
Bell v. Itawamba County School Board: The Need for a Balance of Freedom and Authority
Katherine D. Landfried