Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Property Ownership and Economic Stability: A Necessary Relationship? (Volume XXIX, No. 1)
Prefatory Matter
Peter W. Salsich Jr.
Homes Affordable for Good: Covenants and Ground Leases as Long-Term Resale-Restriction Devices
James J. Kelly Jr.
The Meaning and Nature of Property: Homeownership and Shared Equity in the Context of Poverty
Michael Diamond
Informal Homeownership in the United States and the Law
Heather K. Way
Land Tenure, Titling, and Gender in Bolivia
Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel
Participatory Planning and Procedural Protections: The Case for Deeper Public Participation in Urban Redevelopment
Damon Y. Smith
The Role of Investment Banks in the Mortgage Meltdown: Did Investors Slip Through the Holes in SOX?
Elisa C. Clark