Saint Louis University Public Law Review
1984: How One Year Reshaped Criminal Procedure (Volume XXVIII, No. 2)
Prefatory Matter
Nix v. Williams and the Inevitable Discovery Exception: Creation of a Legal Safety Net
Tom N. McInnis
Not Dead Yet: The Enduring Miranda Rule 25 Years After the Supreme Court’s October Term 1984
William F. Jung
The King and I?: An Examination of the Interest Qui Tam Relators Represent and the Implications for Future False Claims Act Litigation
Nathan D. Sturycz
Darkness on the Edge of Town: Reforming Municipal Extraterritorial Planning & Zoning in Illinois to Ensure Regional Effectiveness & Representation
Andrew P. Gulotta
ERISA—On the Edge of Equity: Can “Appropriate Equitable Relief” Be Capped?
Kristina D. Cooksey