Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Mental Capacity and the Death Penalty (Volume XXV, No. 2)
Prefatory Matter
Tinkering With the Machinery of Death – Mental Capacity, Ability, and Eligibility for the Death Penalty
Michael A. Wolff
Executing People With Mental Disabilities: How We Can Mitigate an Aggravating Situation
Ronald J. Tabak
Mental Health Courts and Title II of the ADA: Accessibility to State Court Systems for Individuals With Mental Disabilities and the Need for Diversion
Ronda Cress, J. Neil Grindstaff, and S. Elizabeth Malloy
Mental Illness and the Death Penalty
Eileen P. Ryan and Sarah B. Berson
Capital Punishment and Mental Health Issues: Global Examples
Nicola Browne; Seema Kandelia; Rupa Reddy; and Peter Hodgkinson, O.B.E.
The Insanity Defense: History and Problems
James F. Hooper, M.D.
Sniffing Out the Problems: A Casenote Study of the Analysis and Effects of the Supreme Court’s Decision in Illinois v. Caballes
Amanda M. Basch