Saint Louis University Public Law Review
The Protection of Children's Rights Under International Law (Volume XXII, No. 2)
Prefatory Matter
Nicholas P. Van Deven
Children as Refugees and Displaced Persons
“More Than Their Share of Sorrows”: International Migration Law and the Rights of Children
Jacqueline Bhabha
Lost Boys and Forgotten Girls: Intercountry Adoption, Human Rights, and African Children
Barbara Stark
Separated Children in Mass Migration: Causes and Cures
Daniel J. Steinbock
Children and Armed Conflict
Protection of Children from Education in Hatred and Violence
James A.R. Nafziger
The Economic Exploitation of Children
Economic Exploitation of Children: A European Perspective
Ursula Kilkelly
Ending Child Labor: A Role for International Human Rights Law?
James J. Silk and Meron Makonnen
The United States and Its Participation in the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Children on the Front Lines of an Ideological War: The Differing Values of Differing Values
A. Scott Loveless
Why the United States Should Not Ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Richard G. Wilkins, Adam Becker, Jeremy Harris, and Donlu Thayer
Student Panel on Children and Health Law
Parallel Lives, Uneven Justice: An Analysis of Rights, Protection and Redress for Refugee and Internally Displaced Women in Camps
Malinda M. Schmiechen