2023--The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems
While Russia's invasion of Ukraine represents a serious challenge to the international legal order, its challenge to the use of force regime is particularly acute. This symposium brings together a wide range of scholars to assess the applicability and efficacy of the international legal framework regulating the use of force. Topics to be examined include just-war theory, the prohibition on the threat or use of force, exceptions to the use-of-force prohibition, the treatment of the non-use-of-force principle in judicial proceedings, and the role of non-State actors in the use of force regime.
9 a.m.: Welcome by Dr. Monica Eppinger, associate professor; co-director, Center for International and Comparative Law, Saint Louis University School of Law
9:15 a.m.: Welcome Remarks on The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems by Fr. Afonso Seixas Nunes, S.J., assistant professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
10 a.m.: Keynote: Russian Aggression: Jus ad Bellum and the Silence/ing of the Global South by Kevin J. Heller, Professor, University of Copenhagen - Centre for Military Studies
11 a.m.: Roundtable Discussion and Q&A Session
- Kevin J. Heller, professor, University of Copenhagen, Centre for Military Studies
- Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
- Nick Tsagourias, professor, University of Sheffield, UK
- Gina Heathcote, professor, SOAS, University of London, UK
- Daragh Murray, lecturer, University of Queen Mary, London, UK
- Dr. Rebecca Mignot -Mahdavi, lecturer, University of Manchester, UK
- Afonso Seixas-Nunes, assistant professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
Noon: Break
1:30 p.m.: Keynote: International Efforts to Collect Evidence Related to Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine by Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
2:30 p.m.: Roundtable Discussion and Q&A Session
- Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
- Kevin J. Heller, professor, University of Copenhagen, Centre for Military Studies
- Jean d’Aspremont, professor, University of Manchester, UK; Sciences Po School of Law, France
- Marco Roscini, professor, University of Westminster, UK; Swiss IHL Chair - Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
- Tom Dannenbaum, associate Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
- Katie Johnston, lecturer, University of Liverpool School of Law, UK
- Dr. Russell Buchan, senior lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
- Nori Katagiri, associate Professor, Saint Louis University, Department of Political Science
3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Concluding Remarks by Dr. Russell Buchan, senior lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
Webinar Date
Legitimacy, Legality, War, Philosophical, Foundations, Emerging, Problems
Recommended Citation
Hill, Steven; Heller, Kevin J.; Seixas-Nunes, Afonso; Heathcote, Gina; d'Aspremont, Jean; Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca; Katagiri, Nori; Dannenbaum, Tom; Johnston, Katie; Buchan, Russell; Roscini, Marco; Tsagourias, Nick; and Murray, Daragh, "2023--The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems" (2023). Law Journal Symposia: Center for International and Comparative Law. 2.