Submissions from 2004
Images of Health Insurance in Popular Film: The Dissolving Critique, Elizabeth Pendo
Retheorizing the Presumption against Implied Repeals, Karen Petroski
Statutory Assistance for Attorneys Providing Pro Bono Services, Christine Rollins
Disentitlement? The Threats Facing Our Public Health-Care Programs and a Rights Based Response, Sidney D. Watson
Good Enough to Use for Research, but not Good Enough to Benefit from the Results of that Research: Are the Clinical HIV Vaccine Trials in Africa Unjust?, Ruqaiijah A. Yearby
Submissions from 2003
Aligning Incentives with Equity: Employee Stock Options and Rule 10b-5, Matthew T. Bodie
Questions About the Efficiency of Employment Arbitration Agreements, Matthew T. Bodie
Walking the Talk of Trust in Human Subjects Research: The Challenge of Regulating Financial Conflicts of Interest, Robert Gatter
State Revocation of Law Enforcement Officers' Licenses and Federal Criminal Prosecution: An Opportunity for Cooperative Federalism, Roger L. Goldman
Introduction, Joel K. Goldstein
Brown v. Board of Education: 50 Years Later, Dana M. Malkus
Toward a Multiple Party Representation Model: Moderating Power Disparity, Henry Ordower
Substantially Limited Justice?: The Possibilities and Limits of a New Rawlsian Analysis of Disability-Based Discrimination, Elizabeth Pendo
Japan's New System of Mixed Courts: Some Suggestions Regarding Their Future Form and Procedures, Stephen C. Thaman
Reforming Civil Rights with Systems Reform: Health Care Disparities, Translation Services, & Safe Harbors, Sidney D. Watson
Submissions from 2002
Introduction, Joel K. Goldstein
Whither Antitrust? The Uncertain Future of Competition Law in Health Care, Thomas L. Greaney
Persecution in the Fog of War: The House of Lords' Decision in Adan, Michael Kagan and William P. Johnson
Searching for Commercial Reasonableness Under the Revised Article 9, Michael Korybut
Searching for Commercial Reasonableness Under the Revised Article 9, Michael Korybut
Disability, Doctors and Dollars: Distinguishing the Three Faces of Reasonable Accommodation, Elizabeth Pendo
Book Review. Courts and Transition in Russia: The Challenge of Judicial Reform, by Peter H. Solomon, Jr. and Todd S. Foglesong, Stephen C. Thaman
Latin America's First Modern System of Lay Participation: The Reform of Inquisitorial Justice in Venezuela, Stephen C. Thaman
Official Privilege: State Security and the Right to a Fair Trial in the USA, Stephen C. Thaman
The Jury's Role in Administering Justice in the U.S. Introduction to Saint Louis Public Law Review Jury Issue, Stephen C. Thaman
When Voluntary, Incentive-Based Controls Fail: Structuring a Regulatory Response to Agricultural Nonpoint Source Water Pollution, Douglas R. Williams
Submissions from 2001
Dealing with Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Research: Irb Oversight as the Next Best Solution to the Abolitionist Approach, Jesse Goldner
Comparative Criminal Law and Enforcement: Russia, Stephen C. Thaman
Miranda in Comparative Law, Stephen C. Thaman
Questions of Fact and Law in Russian Jury Trials: The Practice of the Cassational Courts Under the Jury Laws of 1864 and 1993, Stephen C. Thaman
Securities Fraud in Cyberspace: Reaching the Outer Limits of the Federal Securities Laws, Constance Z. Wagner
Submissions from 2000
Informed Consent Law and the Forgotten Duty of Physician Inquiry, Robert Gatter
Can the Vice President Preside at His Own Impeachment Trial?: A Critique of Bare Textualism, Joel K. Goldstein
Can the Vice President Preside at His Own Impeachment Trial?: A Critique of Bare Textualism, Joel K. Goldstein
The Legal Duty Rule and Learning about Rules: A Case Study, Joel K. Goldstein
Privatizing Regulation: Whistleblowing and Bounty Hunting in the Financial Services Industries, Henry Ordower, James Fisher, Ellen F. Harshman, William B. Gillespie, Leland Ware, and Fred C. Yeager
Grassroots Consensus Building and Collaborative Planning, Peter W. Salsich
The Urban Housing Issues Symposium: Interdisciplinary Study in a Clinical Law & Policy, Peter W. Salsich
Is America a Systematic Violator of Human Rights in the Administration of Criminal Justice?, Stephen C. Thaman
The Separation of Questions of Law and Fact in the New Russian and Spanish Jury Verdicts, Stephen C. Thaman
Another Attack on the Fast Track, Constance Z. Wagner
Structuring the Financial Service Conglomerates of the Future: Does the Choice of Corporate Form to House New Financial Activities of National Banks Matter?, Constance Z. Wagner
Health Care Divided: Race and Healing a Nation, Sidney D. Watson
Submissions from 1999
Managed Care and Mental Health: Clinical Perspectives and Legal Realities, Jesse Goldner
Federal Common Law in Admiralty: An Introduction to the Beginning of an Exchange, Joel K. Goldstein
Antitrust and the Health Care Industry: The View from the Three Branches, Thomas L. Greaney
Online Auctions of Repossessed Collateral Under Article 9, Michael Korybut
The New WTO Agreement on Financial Services and Chapter 14 of NAFTA: Has Free Trade in Banking Finally Arrived?, Constance Z. Wagner
Submissions from 1998
How Many Libertarians Does it Take to Fix the Health Care System?, Thomas L. Greaney
End-of-Life Decision Making: What We Don’t Know, We Make Up; What We Do Know, We Ignore, Sandra H. Johnson
Spain Returns to Trial by Jury, Stephen C. Thaman
The Jury Returns to Continental Europe: Russia and Spain Return to the Classic Jury as a Catalyst in a Move to a More Adversary Form of Criminal Trial, Stephen C. Thaman
Research Report: A Preliminary Analysis of Medical Futility Decisionmaking: Law and Professional Attitudes, Richard L. Wiener Ph.D., David Eton M.A., Vincent P. Gibbons M.D., Jesse A. Goldner J.D., and Sandra H. Johnson J.D.
Submissions from 1997
Nonprofit Housing Providers: Can They Survive the Devolution Revolution?, John J. Ammann
What Have You Done For Me Lately? Constitutional Limitations on State Taxation of Trusts, Bradley E.S. Fogel
Night Landings on an Aircraft Carrier: Hospital Mergers and Antitrust Law, Thomas L. Greaney
Non Profit Housing Providers: Can They Survive the 'Devolution Revolution'?, Peter W. Salsich and John J. Ammann
The Jury as Catalyst for the Reform of Criminal Evidentiary Procedure in Continental Europe: The Cases of Russia and Spain, Stephen C. Thaman
Waiting for the Verdict on Spain's New Jury System, Stephen C. Thaman
Legislating Virtue: How Segregationists Disguised Racial Discrimination as Moral Reform Following Brown v. Board of Education, Anders Walker
Submissions from 1996
Disciplinary Actions and Pain Relief: Analysis of the Pain Relief Act, Sandra H. Johnson
Trusting Our Partners: An Essay on Resetting the Estate Planning Defaults for an Adult World, Henry Ordower
Blood, Alcohol and Tears: Juries Again Ponder the Depths of the Russian Soul, Stephen C. Thaman
Reform of the Procuracy and Bar in Russia, Stephen C. Thaman
Let the Buyer Be Well Informed? - Doubting the Demise of Caveat Emptor, Alan M. Weinberger
Submissions from 1995
Regulating for Efficiency in Health Care through the Antitrust Laws, Thomas L. Greaney
Managed Care as Regulation: Functional Ethics for a Regulated Environment, Sandra H. Johnson
Solutions to the Affordable Housing Crisis: Perspectives on Privatization, Peter W. Salsich
The Resurrection of Trial by Jury in Russia, Stephen C. Thaman
Trial by Jury and the Constitutional Rights of the Accused in Russia, Stephen C. Thaman
Submissions from 1994
Managed Competition, Integrated Delivery Systems and Antitrust, Thomas L. Greaney
The Changing Nature of the Bioethics Movement, Sandra H. Johnson
A Theorem for Compensation Deferral: Doubling Your Blessings by Taking Your Rabbi Abroad, Henry Ordower
Recognizing Violence Against Women: Gender and the Hate Crimes Statistics Act, Elizabeth Pendo
Homelessness at the Millennium, Peter W. Salsich
Urban Housing: A Strategic Role for the States, Peter W. Salsich
Submissions from 1993
The Mid-America Law School Library Consortium Catalog on CD-ROM, Richard C. Amelung
Revisiting Realization: Accretion Taxation, the Constitution, Macomber, and Mark to Market, Henry Ordower
A Decent Home for Every American: Can the 1949 Goal Be Met?, Peter W. Salsich
Health Care in the Inner City: Asking the Right Question, Sidney D. Watson
Submissions from 1992
Protecting Defamatory Fiction and Reader-Response Theory with Emphasis on the German Experience, Henry Ordower
Submissions from 1991
Exploring the Literary Function of Law and Litigation in Njal's Saga, Henry Ordower
Taxing Service Partners to Achieve Horizontal Equity, Henry Ordower
Submissions from 1990
The Fear of Liability and the Use of Restraints in Nursing Homes, Sandra H. Johnson
Reinvigorating Title VI: Defending Health Care Discrimination—It Shouldn’t Be So Easy, Sidney D. Watson
Submissions from 1989
Quality of Care and Market Failure Defenses in Antitrust Health Care Litigation, Thomas L. Greaney
From Medicalization to Legalization to Politicization: Cruzan, O'Connor and Refusal of Treatment in the 1990s, Sandra H. Johnson
Quality-Control Regulation of Home Health Care, Sandra H. Johnson
Non-Profit Housing Organizations, Peter W. Salsich
Submissions from 1988
Decertification of Police: An Alternative to Traditional Remedies for Police Misconduct, Roger L. Goldman and Steven Purro
Keystone Bituminous Coal, First English, Nollan: A Framework for Accommodation?, Peter W. Salsich
Submissions from 1987
Competitive Reform in Health Care: The Vulnerable Revolution, Thomas L. Greaney
Submissions from 1986
The Death-Prolonging Procedures Act and Refusal of Treatment in Missouri, Sandra H. Johnson
Criminal Justice Issues in Revolutionary Nicaragua, Stephen C. Thaman
Submissions from 1985
State Regulation of Long-Term Care: A Decade of Experience with Intermediate Sanctions, Sandra H. Johnson
Submissions from 1984
Displacement and Urban Reinvestment: A Mount Laurel Perspective, Peter W. Salsich
Submissions from 1983
MAUL: An OCLC Union List of Legal Periodicals, Marilyn K. Nicely, Kaye Stoppel, and Richard C. Amelung
Submissions from 1981
Nursing Home Receiverships: Design and Implementation, Sandra H. Johnson
Submissions from 1967
Local Government in Missouri: The Crossroads Reached, Peter W. Salsich