2024--The Future of Constitutional Interpretation
The 2024 Childress Lecture will explore the future of U.S. constitutional interpretation with a presentation by keynote speaker Madiba Dennie, author of The Originalism Trap, as well as several presentations by other renowned constitutional scholars.
Courts often must ascertain the meaning of a constitutional provision before applying it to the facts of a case. In addition, the text of the Constitution is silent on fundamental questions of constitutional law, including questions that its drafters could not have foreseen. There is significant debate over which sources and methods courts should use in exercising the power of judicial review. This year’s Childress Lecture speakers will discuss and debate various methods of constitutional interpretation, including history and principles of constitutional interpretation, textualism, originalism, structuralism, pragmatism, and more.
Keynote Address: Madiba K. Dennie; Author, The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Panel 1: Critically Examining Supreme Court Jurisprudence
Steven Schwinn, University of Chicago Illinois School of Law
Daniel Kiel, University of Memphis Cecil C. Humpreys School of Law
Allen Rostron, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
Panel 2: Recent and Ongoing Developments in Constitutional Interpretation
Francesca Procaccini, Vanderbilt University Law School
Marcia McCormick, Saint Louis University School of Law
Travis Crum, Washington University in St. Louis Law School
Panel 3: What Comes Next?
Yvette Butler, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University Bloomington
Juan Perea, Loyola University School of Law
Anders Walker, Saint Louis University School of Law
Webinar Date
Future of Constitutional Interpretation, Future, Constitutional, Interpretation
Recommended Citation
Dennie, Madiba K.; Butler, Yvette; Crum, Travis; Kiel, Daniel; McCormick, Marcia; Perea, Juan; Procaccini, Francesca; Rostron, Allen; Schwinn, Steven; and Walker, Anders, "2024--The Future of Constitutional Interpretation" (2024). Richard J. Childress Memorial Lecture. 8.