2021: Critical Race Theory and the Law
Webinar Infographic
The Richard J. Childress Memorial Lecture, named in honor of former Dean Richard J. Childress (1969-1976), is a premier academic event highlighting a provocative and timely area of law. The lecture commemorates the contributions Dean Childress made academically, ethically, and socially to benefit the Saint Louis University School of Law.
Dean Childress was a member of the faculty at the School of Law for almost 30 years, and then served for 15 years as associate dean and dean. Among other achievements, Dean Childress is credited with founding the Saint Louis University Law Journal.
Every year, the Journal sponsors the Lecture and publishes the keynote address on a timely legal topic as well as responses from the lecture’s scholarly participants.
Established by the generosity of alumni and friends of the former dean, the lecture aims to enhance the exemplary teaching at the School of Law by bringing world-renowned scholars to campus for academic enrichment.
This year's annual Childress Lecture, in cooperation with the Saint Louis University Department of African American Studies, will examine critical race theory, which seeks to critically examine American law as it intersects with issues of race and other social constructs in the United States.
8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration
9 am – 10:00 am – Keynote Address
#CRT: How Critical Race Theory and Technology Enabled Today’s Social Movement for Racial Equality, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
10:00 am – 10:15 am - Break
10:15 am – 11:15 am - Panel One
Perspectives on Critical Race Theory; Danielle Conway, Mario Barnes, and Christopher Tinson
Moderator: Belinda Dantley, Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Saint Louis University School of Law
11:15 am – 11:30 am - Break
11:30 am– 12:30 pm - Panel Two
Critical Race Theory and the Crisis in Criminal Justice; Ngozi Okidegbe, Anthony Farley and David Niven
Moderator: Richard Middleton, Professor of Political Science, University of Missouri at Saint Louis; Adjunct Professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
12:30 pm - 1 pm - Closing Remarks
Webinar Date
Critical Race Theory, Law, Critical, Race, American Law
Recommended Citation
Onwuachi-Willig, Angela; Conway, Danielle; Barnes, Mario; Tinson, Christopher; Okidegbe, Ngozi; Farley, Anthony; and Niven, David, "2021: Critical Race Theory and the Law" (2021). Richard J. Childress Memorial Lecture. 1.